Admin panels can conduct all the dedicated tasks of the business within a single dashboard.
Admin dashboard consists of various business and sales details in the form of charts, numbers, and stats – easy to understand and compare.
Admin can add their service business in various countries from the admin panel and manage it with essential features integrated within.
Admin can add their service business in various cities from the admin panel and manage it with essential features integrated within.
Admin can set various zone in a city naming it a special zone, or zones of a particular area, or anything defining it separately, setting the business in it.
Admin can limit the amount for providers above which they cannot receive the cash from the customers when payment mode is COD.
Admin can add and manage the services provided through the app within the admin panel, including the service description, price, taxes, pricing method, and so on.
Each of the services can have some sub-services that which admin can add to its description.
Admin can set the charges for each of the services separating determining the tax if applied any, and also profit value admin.
Admins can analyze the customers, block and approve them anytime, verify documents (if any), and analyze reviews given by particular customers to store and deliver.
Admins can verify service providers’ documents, approve them to use the app, or unapproved to discard and also add and edit vehicle details for them.
Admin can manage the company’s account that they have registered to offer services, verify its documents, permit the business in the platform, and many more things.
Admin gets to review all the documents from the service companies, providers, and users, verify and decide approval for action on the platform.
Admin gets all the service request lists that are ongoing by the providers with details of the services providers.
Admin gets to see all the user service request history, with its status, invoice, provider details, etc., all for analysis purposes.
All the service requests that are served through the panel get recorded, and a separate sheet for the earnings are generated for the admin.
Admin can set various languages as required, allowing the users, providers, and service companies to select those for using the app.
Menu, order lists, earnings, service providers lists, and all such lists are exported from the sheet for offline use.
Admin can refer to the wallet’s history, which has the transaction done by users and service providers by the wallet.
It includes keys, push notifications, payment gateways, and details determining the push notifications.
Admin can add and manage customer and provider’s app settings for personalized features for both of them.
Admin can determine the color of the app and website of users and providers with different combinations.
All the transactions done by the customers for the payment are recorded in a separate sheet.
Admin can check the status of all the order requests and gets real-time updates as providers complete and updates their status.
Admin can send emails to desired receivers with various options of readymade templates, sending it with Gmail or Outlook or Server.
Add can also add accounts for new admin so as to manage the business together, giving access to all the activities in the panel.
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