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Founding year


Amigo Tunisie

Downloads: 10K+

Rated: 3+

Languages: English, Arabic, French, Spanish

Amigo Driver Tunisie

Downloads: 1K+

Rated: 3+

Languages: English, Arabic, French, Spanish

The AmiGo app is a one-of-a-kind taxi service based on the ride-sharing model. They allow riders to reduce the waiting time spent to find a taxi and for drivers to spend moments of conviviality with passengers having the same route as the customer. It saves the customer’s time and money sharing the driver’s trip.

It is a 100% Tunisian application based on the “win-win” concept between the AmiGo driver and the passenger. It was created to satisfy the needs of both parties by allowing them to generate more revenue for individual taxis and make life easier for taxi users in Tunisia.

It is the pioneering taxi application on the market that launched the first shared shopping service in Tunisia with the objectives of saving transport costs and spending a moment of conviviality during the journey.

They Found the Right Platform

The work of a newly created Startup, AmiGo, is a Taxi-Client linking application. For that, they have found Rydex, a base product that resembles their requirements, which is fully scalable and offers ease of use. It gets modified as per the need of the AmiGo team that cares about citizens’ mobility and transactions, especially their wallets.

The key required customization is the Ride Sharing feature, whose entire algorithm has been designed by a team of experts who have optimized as much as possible, which will fulfill their objective. Ultimately, this modification helps the passenger and driver to have a common, effective, and affordable shared trip.

The Reasons for Rydex Modification:

With fuel prices soaring and difficulties in getting around on public transport, the team of engineers strove to combine the equation between facilitating mobility and the accessibility of the price by offering customers to share trips in taxis and thus reduce the trip price.

By capitalizing on the values of sharing and savings, the engineers have suggested modifications in the AmiGo application over the Rydex base product, which meets the needs of customers by offering them taxi rides at reduced prices and also the expectations of Taxis by guaranteeing them an optimization of time of work.

How it was Made Possible

Thanks to an algorithm, teams of Rydex have developed AmiGo. This unique journey optimization application allows 2 customers within a radius of 2 Km around the taxi and taking the same routes to share the journey, each paying half of the price.

The other innovation of the AmiGo application is that it offers subscription and prepaid package formulas for regular Taxis users who can benefit from specific bonuses and advantages. AmiGO aims to be a mobility facilitator in the service of taxis by optimizing their working hours and for customers by reducing their transport costs.

Dedicated Developer to Get Customized and Support:

Based on the detailed explanation and developer API, the developer team at our end has modified the existing Rider Sharing feature that works over the new algorithm that the team has developed. After modifying the base product, the staging environment was also created to keep working on any further customization by which the actual customer can not affected.

Our service to the client continued beyond modifying things, but we have provided them support for 6 months at an affordable rate, and sometimes we also have help in case of emergency.

Business Growth Coverage by the Media:

Tunisia: The carpooling application AmiGo connects taxi and customer

The implemented customization that addressed well in benefit to customer and driver got noticed by the media as well on Monday, 23 January 2023 14:13 By Adoni Conrad Quenum.

Carpooling applications have had good press since the successes of Uber, Yango, and Bolt. In Africa, these giants are trying to penetrate the market, but they face competition from local startups in the growing sector in different regions.

“The Amigo application is a taxi service based on the ride-sharing model. Amigo allows you to reduce the waiting time spent finding a taxi and to spend moments of conviviality with passengers having the same route as you”, indicates the platform.

This mobile native application is available on Android and iOS. After downloading, the user must create an account by registering on the platform. In case of racing, just search for your destination and click on it. A map appears, and the nearest driver picks you up. If there is a customer within a radius of 2 kilometers who has the same route as you, it is possible to share the ride by taking them on board.

Amigo often offers discounts with coupon codes. It should be noted that the objective of the start-up is to optimize transport costs and reduce customer waiting times. It is also a means of reducing pollution by optimizing the number of vehicles on the road. The startup statistics of registered vehicle, number of active users, total number of journey made, and the number of app downloads from the Play Store confirms the success and further growth in its country of origin, Tunisia.

  • https://tracxn.com/d/companies/amigo/__PkXiBD4QV07qPTXRQRzs-dGB3KyqAKSp3MViyxSjN5w
  • https://www.facebook.com/TunisieAmigo/?show_switched_toast=0&show_invite_to_follow=0&show_switched_tooltip=0&show_podcast_settings=0&show_community_review_changes=0&show_community_rollback=0&show_follower_visibility_disclosure=0
  • https://www.linkedin.com/company/get-wireless/people/
  • https://www.tunisienumerique.com/amigo-1ere-application-taxi-en-tunisie-avec-partage-de-courses/
  • https://www.wearetech.africa/fr/fils/solutions/tunisie-lapplication-de-covoiturage-amigo-met-en-relation-taxi-et-client

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