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Rydex Admin Panel Visuals

Explore how you can control and execute the best of business operations from a dedicated dashboard meant for business expansion and revenue growth

Enhanced Control and Business Monitoring with a Dedicated Admin Dashboard

Managing your taxi-hailing business online requires you to focus on every need of users and delivery providers. Our taxi booking and driver management software allows you to cater to users’ taxi requirements while you monitor and govern all required stakeholders and inclined operations.

Admin Panel Step By Step Flow

The powerful controller to manage your single/multiple fleet business. Access your ride-hailing business’s every micro and macro-level detail online


  • In a Dashboard, admin can get all the details related to the taxi app. In which he can see how many countries are connected with the app
  • Admin can get all information related to the payment and earning from the chart and also get the information related to the registered user and request related details


  • Today’s Request

    Check Today’s Taxi booking details along with details of User ID, User Name, Provider ID, Service Type, Created Date, Completed Date, Status, Amount details Payment status with Action Button to View to and from Map and Invoice details

  • Completed and Scheduled Requests

    Check Completed and Scheduled Taxi booking details along with details of User ID, User Name, Provider ID, Service Type, Created Date, Completed Date, Status, Amount details Payment status with Action Button to View to and from Map and Invoice details

User Reviews

  • Check Customer review for the trip with Details of Trip ID, Date, User Email, Rating, Provider Email and Provider rating details with Advanced Filter Option and Export data in excel sheet option

Cancellation Reason

  • See a booking cancellation reason with details like trip ID, user ID, cancellation date, username, provider id, provider name, cancellation reason and a cancel by person name. Filter option with export data in excel sheet

Provider Map View

  • See service provider real-time location on google map with details like provider name, car model and their service rating with a status of waiting for the trip, active or Inactive for service detail

Provider Tracking

  • Admin can track countries, Cities wise delivery provider separately with details of their name, service vehicle type and rating details

Service Providers

  • Online Providers

    Check online provider details like their id, name, contact details, city, profile, car, wallet, app version, a registered date with a trip request, completed, canceled, accepted trip request with filter and record explore option in excel sheet along with edit and decline record option

  • Approved Providers

    Check Approved provider details with their ID, name, contact details, city, profile, car, wallet, app version, a registered date with a trip request, completed, canceled, accepted trip request with filter and record explore option in excel sheet along with edit and decline record option

  • UnApproved providers

    Check Unapproved provider details their id, name, contact details, city, profile, car, wallet, app version, a registered date with the trip request, completed, canceled, accepted trip request with filter and record explore option in excel sheet along with edit and decline record option


  • Users

    Check user list with details of their id, name, email, phone number, trip service request, city, referral code, wallet, app version, a registered date with an action of edit, decline profile and filter option

  • Blocked Users

    Check block user list with details of their id, name, email, phone, trip service request, city, referral code, wallet, app version, a registered date with an action of edit, unblock profile and filter option


  • Admin can see how many requests is done by a dispatcher with all details like username, Email address and contact no. And he can sort and search the data as per requirements
  • Admin can add new dispatcher


  • Admin Have An Authority To See The Hotel Details Like Hotel Name, Email Address And Contact Number With The Country Name


  • How Many Partners Are Connected With The Taxi Business? Admin Can Get All The Information Like Partner Name, Email Address, And Contact Number. From Action Button

Service Type

  • Admin has an authority to add new vehicle services in the taxi business
  • Admin can edit the taxi services with vehicle name and service type. Also make it ON/OFF for the business


  • To spread business, Admin can add multiple countries in the business
  • Edit all the details like currency and sign of a country with its flag. He can add the bonus to user and referral with referral’s maximum usage

Service Type

  • Country

    Check that in which country business is running and under the country how many cities are added with the type of services

  • Type And City Association

    Get the city details with city code and zip code. Check that in a particular city, business is running or not? and this city is from which country? With action button, get the details in depth


  • Trip Earning

    In the Trip earning, get the information of particular Trip with Trip ID, Provider ID, and name, or Email address and When the Trip end. Also get the information related to the provider’s earning with total and completed Trips and total amount details with cash or card payment and promo and referral amounts

Daily Earning

  • Admin can see the daily earning report with the filter option like sort by field, search by field, start to end date, etc. Admin also explores data in excel sheet
  • In earning report admin can see the total trips, completed trips, total earning, payment method, user earning and currency option. With the separate record details like provider id, their name, email id, date, fees with the action button to check in depth details

Weekly Earning

  • Admin can see the all over week’s details and filter the data with searching and sorting option. Also, download all the data in an Excel Sheet
  • Get all information related to Driver like driver name, ID number, and email address or fees of the driver. From the action button, get the all details in depth. Also get Driver’s earning details with Payment amount’s information

Partner Payment

  • Get the partner payment information with the partner’s ID, Name. Trip’s Starting and Ending Date and all Payment details like the total amount and which payment method is used by the customers

Pending Payment

  • See that who’s payment is pending with Trip Id and username and Email Address. Also, see that in what date’s payment is pending and Payment message is also available

Basic Setting

  • Notification Setting

    Admin can do all the type of notification settings. In which, he send the SMS and Email notification to the Drivers and customers or other required persons

  • Theme Setting

    Admin can change the Theme as per their Choices and also do all settings related to the Theme

  • Basic App Setting

    In a basic setting, Admin can set the Country details in which he set the Currency code, Time Zone, Provider Timeout seconds, and search radius and many other things

  • iOS Certificates

    Set the Certificate mode and push the iOS user’s certificate and key file and also set the same things for the providers

Installation Setting

  • SMS Configuration

    Admin can manage SMS service gateway we integrate Twilio as an SMS gateway. They can manage Twilio Id, Auth. Token, and Twilio Number

  • Email Configuration

    Set the Email address for the Email Configuration and also update it as per requirements

  • Basic App Setting

    In a basic app setting, Admin set the App name and Version which is used in the app

  • Google Map API Key

    To provide location-based services on apps we integrate and use google API service

  • Payment Configuration

    We integrate Stripe as default payment gateway. Admin can manage payment id and Unique key details

  • GCM Api Key

    For Notification service admin can manage GCM key

  • Android App Url

    Admin can set Android app URL on call to action button for users to download

Promo Codes

  • Admin can add and manage promo code details like a promo code, country, type, value, uses, state, is expired with action button of edit and decline


  • Manage Document upload details as per business needs with optional and compulsory field with add, edit and decline field details option

Mail Template

  • Admin can manage mail template and essential details like Email template Id, Email Title, Email Admin Info and Email Content etc

Admin Setting

  • For Email sharing details admin can manage to use different mail id and set as per needs

SMS Template

  • Admin can manage SMS template with their unique id and SMS title

Send Mass Notification

  • To share any business-related news information to all user we integrate mass push notification features. Also, admin can use these features for advertising purpose to share promo code or other offers details

Referral Details

  • Admin can view and manage the referral details from the admin panel. This section includes details like referral code, number of shares, referral users, discounts earned, and more
  • The referral details of users (customers) and drivers are kept in a separate tab to manage the referral details efficiently

Customize Terms And Conditions

  • Admin has the right to change the terms and conditions for using the applications and panels covered under the system
  • Admin can change the policies for each app and panel separately and set different policies as per his/her choice

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